Tips & tricks for practicing with MOAI

Read our tips and suggestions to help you get the most out of your practices.

Our tips and suggestions:

  1. SET AN INTENTION. Before you start with the program, take a moment to think about why you are participating. What is your motivation? It is important to set an intention for yourself at the start. Write it down, so you can come back to it. If you do not have a journal or notebook yet, you can write it on your MMM calendar.

  2. BE CURIOUS. We invite you to be curious and open minded to enjoy the journey to the fullest. Maybe you learn a lot of new things, maybe you repeat exercises you already practice. Anyhow it is an opportunity to deepen your practice and bring consistency in your daily habits.

  3. MAKE IT A CONSCIOUS JOURNEY. During the week regularly write down your aha moments, insights, learnings and feelings - it helps you to bring everything together and give you a chance to read back. Check-in with yourself to see how you are doing, what you experienced, which moments of the day suit you best to do the exercises, is your daily routine changing? If not, why not and what do you need? If you participate with others you might want to share your experiences with them too.

  4. CREATE A CALM SPACE. It improves your experience if you have a calm and pleasant space. Decorate it with a candle, plants you like, some soft pillows and nice smells. It can be your bedroom or another space where you will not be disturbed. Make sure you have yogamat, some pillows and a blanket or something else that can keep you warm.

  5. GET A HABIT ANCHOR. You can cultivate new habits and break bad habits in 21 days, hence the three-week program. To incorporate a new daily habit into your routine, it can be helpful to have a so called habit anchor. This is something that you already do as part of an existing daily routine that you can attach the action to. For example: do your morning exercise just before you drink your coffee or tea or listen to your guided relaxation before or after you brush your teeth. Consistency is key – the exercises have to become a part of your daily life. That is why we start small by doing one exercise a day of max. 15 minutes.

  6. CHECK OUT OUR VIRTUAL SPACE. Familiarize yourself with the virtual space and make sure you know how things work. In the space you find the calendars, the exercises, daily inspiration, background articles and playlists.

  7. KEEP PRACTICING. When you are new to meditating, it may feel strange to sit in silence with your innermost thoughts and feelings. Maybe your mind is easily distracted and restless. Do not worry about that. Keep practicing. Before you know it, you will experience its many benefits.

  8. ENJOY THE RIDE! Yes it takes discipline, repetition and courage but do not be hard on yourself if you miss a day or two. It is ok. And don't forget to enjoy :).


Benefits of Gratitude