Benefits of Yoga Nidra

Yoga nidra is a deep relaxation form of yoga. It is a practice intended to rejuvenate and relax the body and mind by slowing down and releasing tension. You can practice yoga nidra in the evening for a better night’s sleep. You can also use it anytime during the day when you are tired, for example after a busy day at work. It is like a super-nap.

 Yoga Nidra is easy to start and you do not require prior yoga experience. It is one of the easiest yoga practices to develop. A few tips:

  • Practice in a calm, comfortable and clutter-free space. 

  • Simply lie down on your back in savasana or corpse pose, close your eyes and let the outside world melt away.

  • If you experience pain or discomfort in your lower back, use pillows to raise your knees above the waist level to relax the spine more. You can also place a thin pillow under your head for more comfort.

  • Cover yourself with a blanket to keep yourself warm.

  • Calming music can help you in your practice. Try our ‘Relax’ playlist and see what it does for you.

  • At the end of the practice, roll over to your right side and slowly sit up. Rolling over to the right side makes the breath flow through the left nostril which helps cool the body.

  • Try not to fall asleep. When practicing yoga nidra you ‘sleep’ while you are still awake.

 Yoga Nidra has many proven benefits:

  1. STRESS REDUCTION. One of the most common and easily recognisable benefits of yoga nidra is stress reduction. The physical and mental activities lead to calming states for the body and mind, which lead to muscle relaxation, the release of emotional tension and an opportunity for the nervous system to slow down. Yoga nidra can have lasting effects that alter the negative consequences that stress hormones can create in the body. Elevated and chronic levels of stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine can lead to inflammation within the body. Inflammation is correlated with many physical symptoms that lead to disease and illness (cardiovascular, respiratory, fatigue, sleep disorders, organ dysfunction and chronic pain or migraines).

  2. FIGHTS DEPRESSION. The practice of yoga nidra also has some pretty powerful psychological benefits. It brings a profound sense of joy and well-being which can assist in dealing with depression.

  3.  BETTER AND DEEPER SLEEP. Yoga nidra is an excellent way to help you fall asleep more easily. Stress, pain and overthinking can make it difficult to fall asleep. Many people suffer from insomnia as a result of their inability to surrender to a deeply restful period of sleep. Similar to driving, parking and turning off a car, there is a process to go through before completely powering down your brain and body. Yoga nidra trains your mind and body for this relaxation process so you can reach a deeper state of sleep. 

  4. CONNECTING WITH YOURSELF. Over time, yoga nidra creates more space in your mind, opens a window into your soul and provides an opportunity to learn about yourself through a reflective and restful experience. 


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