Benefits of Deep Breathing

Every day you take thousands of breaths without thinking about it. The process of breathing in and out allows fresh oxygen to pass to the blood, as carbon dioxide is removed from the body. However, most of us are not using our whole respiratory system to breathe. In fact, many of us use just 33% of our total capacity.

Deep breathing is a mindful practice that provides numerous health benefits beyond the standard respiration required to live.

  1. REDUCES STRESS. Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, bringing us into a relaxed state. When you become stressed or anxious, your brain releases ‘stress hormone’ cortisol. By taking deep breaths, your heart rate slows, more oxygen enters our blood stream and communicates with the brain to relax. Deep breathing also ups your ‘feel good’ chemical endorphins.

  2.  IMPROVES YOUR STATE OF MIND. The quality of our breath helps to relax the mind and enhance the ability to learn, be creative, focus, concentrate and memorize.

  3. STRENGTHENS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. With deep breathing, the oxygen reaches the cells of your entire body including your immune system. When your blood is fully oxygenated, it carries and absorbs nutrients and vitamins more efficiently.

  4. DETOXIFIES THE BODY. Breathing releases carbon monoxide, which is important to fully release. Deep breathing is proven to reduce toxins from your body up to 70%. 

  5. IMPROVES DIGESTION. The more you breathe deep, the more healthier blood flow you will produce, which in turn promotes your organs to function more effectively, including your intestines.

  6. INCREASES ENERGY. The more oxygen that is in the blood, the better our body functions. It also improves our stamina. Oxygen is the most essential natural resource required by our cells. We can go without food for up to 40 days and without water for 3 days, yet we can die after just a few minutes of not breathing.

  7. LOWERS BLOOD PRESSURE. Deep breaths activate the parasympathetic nervous system which decreases your heart rate, dilates your blood vessels and reduces your overall blood pressure.

  8. IMPROVES YOUR POSTURE. If you breathe in, you simultaneously lengthen and straighten your spine. In order to take a deep breath in, your lungs take up maximum space, your diaphragm pulls down, so in turn your torso straightens in order for this to be possible. 

  9. RELIEVES PAIN. When we experience pain, our breath becomes shallow and our muscle tissues contract. Deep breathing helps to release this. Deep breathing also triggers the release of endorphins, which combat pain.

  10. KEEPS US LOOKING YOUTHFUL. A happy face is much more beautiful than an angry or stressed one. The good news is that breathing deeply slows the aging process by increasing secretion of anti-aging hormones. By reducing stress, it improves our mood, elevating the levels of serotonin and endorphins.


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