Why we encourage you to keep a journal

Journaling is like keeping a diary, but more focused on awareness. You write down what is on your mind, what is in your head and how you feel. It is a way to make yourself (more) aware of your thoughts and how this influences your behavior and feelings. It is almost like self-therapy.

We cannot ignore that our generation is emotionally under considerable pressure. Partially due to the expectations of others and a high workload with many uncertainties. But also perfectionism and distractions in the form of social media. The pandemic without a clear end in sight has turned our world even more upside down.

If we are overwhelmed, many of us tend to suppress our feelings rather than expressing them…scrolling for hours on Instagram or Facebook, watching Netflix all day, binge eating or even doing alcohol or drugs. 

To give space to your thoughts and emotions, to organize them or to find out what kind of emotions are playing around with you, journaling can be the solution. With journaling you put your emotions, wishes, thoughts and concerns on paper. 

What are the benefits of journaling?

Instead of describing your day, use journaling to put down on paper what is going on in your head. Some of the reasons to take up journaling today is because journaling has been scientifically proven to relieve stress, make you more mindful, boost your memory and allow you to communicate more clearly. Writing a journal is also great way to unleash your creativity. Everyone has the potential to be creative, but many of us have not discovered it yet. Your journal is the best place to start exploring your inner creativity. Write down anything that comes to your mind. Let your imaginations run wild.

Journaling is a way to get closer to and embrace your emotions. In addition, journaling mainly helps to clear your head by writing down the grinding thoughts on paper. And a worry-free mind automatically ensures more sleep, more confidence and better focus. And less stress also means a healthier body. 

How do you start journaling?

Start by looking for an empty notebook or decide to buy a new, special one. It will be a notebook especially for journaling. If you prefer to use your laptop or phone, that's totally fine too – although we recommend using pen and paper. It is important to ask yourself why you are going to write. Then you can decide whether you want to sit down for a while every day or only write when you feel the need. You can do it in the morning to set the tone for the day, or in the evening to write the day off.

You don't need to know exactly what you're going to write before you start. Let it be an intuitive process. Start with a word and let your pen do the rest of the work. This works especially well if you meditate for a few minutes first so that you write less from your head, but from your heart. You might just be amazed at what comes out on paper. You really don't have to journal for long, 5 to 15 minutes is enough! It is important to remember: there is no right or wrong.

Different journaling exercises for you to try

Morning journaling – for a clean and calm mind

Journal before the day begins. You can write down what you want to give extra attention to today, which goal(s) you want to achieve or the positive vibe you want to maintain. Or reflect on the day before, what could have been better? By writing in the morning, you not only start your day with a clean mind, but also with a calm, fresh start to make it another great day. 

Evening journaling - for a good night sleep

Journal before you go to bed can be very helpful if you struggle to turn your mind off when your head hits the pillow. By writing down all your thoughts, to do’s for the coming days or other things that are still keeping your mind occupied, you can set them aside more easily. Some call it the “worry dump”. By getting all these things out of your head, you will feel more relaxed and sleep much better and deeper.

Gratitude journaling – for positive energy

Write (every day) about the bright spots of the day, the things that made you happy or that you are grateful for. You can also write down wishes, beautiful memories or other inspiring or interesting things that happened during the day. A gratitude journal is very nice to become more positive and optimistic. When you write daily about the good things in life, it becomes easier to look at life that way. 

Reflective journaling – to become aware of your emotions

Journal about moments that you encounter and the feelings that arise. This way you will give a place to all the restless grinding thoughts that stay in your head. Write down the event itself, but especially the emotions that come along. You will give the emotions a place, but you also become aware of trigger points. This is very valuable when you are in a stressful time when you may have the feeling that the bucket is about to overflow.

Goals journaling – to fulfill your goals, dreams and ambitions

A journal is a good place to write your goals, ambitions, aspirations and new year resolutions. Most of us keep them in our head and it is often difficult to achieve something that floats in our heads. By keeping them in a diary, you can monitor your progress and feel motivated to continue to focus on your next milestone. You can even make a timeline of the next 5- 10 years in your journal. Dare to dream. What is your dot on that distant horizon? You only live once.


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